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The first Dog Puller World Championship took place on October, 7 in Prague (Czech Republic). Dog Puller is a new spectacular sport for dogs and their owners, which is now gaining great popularity all over the world.

The tournament gathered more than 70 international sports pairs from South Korea, Portugal, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Russia.

The dogs, divided into categories depending on their size and breed, competed in two disciplines, “PULLER Running” and “PULLER Jumping”. Teams of certified referees, as well as more than a thousand spectators in the stadium followed each movement of the participants.

Two official world records were set in both disciplines. Border Collie named Ivy (owner Margaret German, Russia) managed to make 116 jumps with grabbing the PULLER dog fitness tool.

10 year-old Anya Marouskova from Czech Republic became the youngest participant of the World Championship. Together with her little pet, she proved that with a proper endeavor almost everyone could reach incredible results in Dog Puller.

Ukrainian contestants managed to win the first place among other national teams.

In addition to the competition part, the program of the sports festival included different interactions with spectators, lotteries from sponsors and organizers, special photo zones, food courts, canistherapy locations, etc.

The championship became possible thanks to the joint efforts of partners and sponsors – companies COLLAR (Ukraine) and Rebel Dog (Czech Republic), PURINA (Czech Republic) and Pro Plan Ukraine.

The first Dog Puller World Championship set the bar for organizing such tournaments in the future, as well as for international development and popularization of Dog Puller in general.

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