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On the 22-24 of January in Athens (Greece), the 21st biggest European pet business owners forum, GlobalPets Forum will take place. The topic of the Forum-2020 is: “Get into the heart of the consumer”. The main subject of discussion will be desires and problems of consumers that cause them to choose products. The manufacturers able to give them the products they need will win trust and love of pet parents all over the world.
One of the speakers of the Forum is Matthieu Glayrouse, CEO of Yummypets – the largest online community of pets and their owners. Matthieu will tell about European dog owners, the things we all can learn from them and the ways to make great collaboration with them.

Every year the representatives of world’s biggest pet companies attend the GlobalPets Forum to discuss the latest trends. COLLAR Company is happy to receive the official invitation from the organizers for the seventh time. This is a great opportunity to meet the biggest players of the pet products market and our old partners and discuss our further collaboration.

COLLAR Company will present the following products on GlobalPets Forum:
EVOLUTOR – the most durable collars & leashes with Global Lifetime Warranty,
PULLER – dog fitness tool that provides a full emotional and physical load for dogs,
AiryVest – elastic jacket for dogs, which stretches up to 20% width!  
WAUDOG Printed – leather dog accessories decorated with colorful wear-resistant patterns.

See you on GlobalPets Forum 2020!

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