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This time COLLAR company decided to expand its presence in Asian zoomarket and took part at international exhibition China  International Pet Show (CIPS 2016).

Exhibition was held during November 10-13th in Guangzhou at China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex. 

CIPS proved the international level of the forum. More than 1200 companies presented their booths and about 45 000 zoo professionals and animal lovers from all over the world visited this event.

Taking into account the exhibition’s global status, COLLAR company presented the whole range of products: market bestsellers including leather products and accessories from Soft and Glamour lines, PULLER dog fitness tool, LIKER ball toys, as well as an extended line of flagship goods and exclusive innovative products. Among them there are PULLER Midi fitness tool for active dogs of average breeds, the world’s lightest reversible jackets AiryVest, SuperCat wooden litter.

COLLAR aquarium equipment and accessories have won the absolute attention of the audience.

Company presented NanoClear, effective solution of the problem of fouling of glass and rocks in the aquarium. NanoClear creates a water-repellent protective membrane on molecularly level that prevents formation of algae plaque. NanoClear is absolutely safe for aquarium inhabitants that is proved by relevant quality control certificates.

One more innovation on the world market is flexible LED lamp PicoSoft that is suitable for Pico & Nano aquaruims and florariums. It can   be easily attached to aquarium of any shape. Its flexible body helps to set the light flow in any direction.

Another important novelty is remote controlled LED lamp for freshwater aquariums called AquaLighter Aquascape. It is equipped with a remote control that has a working radius of 10 meters and adjusts temperature, changes color and brightness in increments of 10%.

Commitment to innovations and constant aspiration to quality is the main approach which is highly respected by our partners and customers” – commented Yuriy Sinitsa, CEO of COLLAR company.  “Professionals from more than 60 countries of the world know and highly evaluate the products   we manufacture. Such forums give us great possibility to get  feedback from our partners and also assess the future market prospects.

Partners and guests appreciated the excellent quality and loyal pricing that help COLLAR company to gain a great popularity in Europe, USA and ensure high demand in the dynamic Asian market.  CIPS 2016 allowed to sign many important contracts and became a momentous step towards the development of the company. 

20th exhibition CIPS 2016 confirmed the status of the main event for Asian zoomarket. COLLAR company successfully proved the honorable status of highly dynamic and innovative manufacturer.

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